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Meet Heather, WiseInside Specialist

Heather Criswell

From the moment we enter this world we have everything we need inside. We are born wise, kind, compassionate, hopeful, curious, and full of love. You have this wisdom inside you. Our children do too.

The challenge is to remember the wisdom, particularly when our child is on the floor of Target kicking and screaming or when they decide to yell “NO!” to every request.

We all want to be the best parents we can be. We want to lift our children up and amplify the greatness that we know is in them. But how can you lift your child up when he is rolling on aisle 13 in Target?

I’m Heather Criswell, a parenting coach, speaker, and author of “How to Raise A Happy Child (and be happy too)”. I remind parents of their own greatness and help them see the greatness in their child, especially when it is difficult to see. I have worked with over 30,000 children for the past 25 years and I am a mother to a little boy that has been my greatest teacher. I have learned that children want to be valued, heard, and acknowledged just as much as adults do.

And that’s why you are here. Because you know deep inside that you can have the relationship you desire with your child. You know that there is a better way to parenting. My intention is to share how to combine your inner wisdom with strategies that work so that you not only raise a happy child, but you are happy too!

If you are hungry for a little more…

I was born and raised deep in the heart of Texas, now living in sunny San Diego. I am so blessed to have a husband that has been by my side for 16 years (believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself) and a son that happens to be the brightest light on this planet.

I was a fat kid. Bullied. Every. Single. Day. I was reminded on a daily basis that I was unworthy of living on this planet.

I surrounded myself with adults and young children. They never made fun of me.

I started babysitting at 12 years old, accepted a position as a teacher at a preschool within days of my 16th birthday, became a youth counselor for the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, and at 21 owned and operated my own preschool. For nearly a decade I raised a generation of children who believed they were a gift to the world and educated them on how to share those gifts with the world.

I was tired. I needed to be quiet. I went to school for massage therapy and opened a Wellness Center. Quickly, massage clients turned in to parent coaching clients.

I knew it was time to go BIG or go home. I wanted to share my wisdom, experiences, and stories with the world. I wanted to offer hope. I wanted to empower parents, teachers, caregivers, and children around the world and remind them of their own wisdom and greatness. I launched WiseInside, a company dedicated to creating products and services that help people connect with their inner wisdom.

We launched “How to Raise a Happy Child (and be happy too)” and it was welcomed in a BIG way with a Mom’s Choice Award for “Honoring Excellence” and a Creative Child Award for “Book of the Year 2013.”
Which brings me to this moment in time, which is writing, sharing stories, sharing videos, and giving the world everything I have to give. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

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