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Better Way 90 Day Notebook

Better Way 90 Day Notebook

$28.00 Take three minutes at the start of your day to set yourself up for success! Whether your goal is to lose weight, organize your house, manage a project at work or to start your own company, this notebook will be your biggest ally, and most helpful tool. In this 90 day notebook you will find: 1. Your 90 day dream creation page. 2. A detailed vision page for each of the 3 months. 3. Removable monthly tabs, for easy reference back to your monthly goals. 4. Daily pages to keep you inspired, on track and in the zone. 5. Colored paperclip for bookmarking the current day. 6. My personal recipe for keeping goals, even when it’s tough. 7. Extra pages for notes and thoughts. Package Options Notebook Only $28.00 USDMug Only $14.00 USDNotebook & Mug $38.00 USDNotebook w/Gift Wrap $31.00 USDMug w/Gift Wrap $17.00 USDNotebook & Mug w/Gift Wrap $41.00 USD   The mornings are a special time for most of us, and this is what I’ve been doing with mine for years. I’ve found that if I take three minutes to go through my daily page, really think about how I want the day to go, and what I want to accomplish, then the day goes so much better. Stay on track! Get our short, fun, inspiring daily e-mails! First Name: Email address: We’ve seen over and over again that 90 day goals are a big key to success. It’s enough time to truly accomplish something big, yet small enough to be attainable. And there is something fulfilling and concrete about taking our goals out of the “ether” and pulling them down into reality through the ink in our pen. Write it down. Look at it every day. Watch yourself knock your goals out of the park. Over and over again. Now, it takes diligence, it’s not magic. Sign up for my short morning e-mails to help keep you on track. Having this notebook at your side will make a tremendous difference! Your dreams are worth $7.33 a month, right? Yeah, I thought so. *wink* I suggest you write in your book first thing in the morning, before you do anything else. Don’t look at your e-mail, read the news or let yourself get pulled in different directions. Set that alarm just 3 minutes earlier than you usually do, and give yourself a life-changing gift. From my...

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